JRM Photos: Confessions of a Mediocre Model Railroader

Ulrich Abramowski shows how he has created a mini-module layout that fits the bill for his limited space, budget, and tools.

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Module Modulrahmenklein Bridge2
Bridge4 P1020309 P1020226klein-1
P1020332-1 P1020360klein P1020359klein
P1020335 Brcke1klein P1020240klein
P1020246klein P1020247klein P1020253klein
P1020264klein P1020266 P1020307
P1020351 P1020352 P1020361klein
P1020364ganzklein P1020369klein Brcke2klein
P1020373ganzklein P1020399klein P1020400klein
P1020402klein P1020304 P1020303
P1020187 P1020189 P1020189-1
P1020304klein Layout3 EnoshimaRR1

Click on a picture to enlarge it.

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