The Japan Rail Modelers (JRM) of Washington DC is an informal group of train modelers in the
greater Washington DC Metro area that focuses on modeling Japanese rail systems. Our goal is
to support and encourage modeling of Japanese rail systems and provide public education about
the extensive Japanese railroads. We have produced a 72 square foot portable, Japanese themed
N Scale layout that can be displayed at model railroading shows and cultural events.
JRM News
2024 Rockville Lions Club Train Show
JRM will be displaying our T-Trak at the Rockville Lion's Club show on November 9th and 10th. This will be the 17th time!
Fall Great Scale Model Train Show
JRM may be showing our TTrak layout at The GSMT show on October 12th from 9A-5p and October 13th 10A-4P. Please check back later for more news.
JRM Working on 33mm TTRAK Modules JRM members are working on making new 33mm TTRAK modules for show layouts. Contact us if you are interested in joining in!
Want to keep up with what's going on with JRM? We now have an email update for those interested in getting notices of when our next shows, meetings, and get togethers are.
Printing Yourself A Japanese Z Gauge Layout
Ian Lawrence has done some fabulous Japanese Z scale modeling featuring a lot of printed and scratch built structures and details.
A Movable Feast - My Temporary Layout
Barrie Lovell has created a wonderful temporary layout system with small scenery plates to allow rapid setups of different layouts at his whims!