JRM Photos: Wakasa

Layout by Graeme Goodsell

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DSCF6877 overvies DSCF7020
DSCF6889 station DSCF6894
DSCF6895 DSCF6900 DSCF6902
DSCF6906 DSCF6910 DSCF6911
DSCF6919 DSCF6920 DSCF6945
DSCF6959 DSCF6962 DSCF6998
DSCF6969 DSCF6976 DSCF6991
DSCF6992 DSCF6828.jpeg.43de19cf46649701fd7b289ea7b5e97d DSCF6983
DSCF7001 DSCF7021 DSCF7022
DSCF7023 DSCF6864.jpeg.2b83f852af82540f1ec97c3ea0b13693 DSCF7024
dmus enginshed stationandshed
maintainceshed shedend underside

Click on a picture to enlarge it.

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Use rights for these photos has been granted by the photographers to Japan Rail Modelers. All these photographs are copyrighted and all rights reserved. Permisssion is expressly not granted for external use without first contacting Japan Rail Modelers for possible permission.


all materials ©2005-2009 Japan Rail Modelers unless otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved